CV & Research
Please see my CV for a complete list of publications and other work.
Below are select article publications on different topics with replication data.
Sovereign Debt & Financial Markets
Delegating Discipline: How Indexes Restructured the Political Economy of Sovereign Bond Markets
Journal of Politics 2023
with Natalya Naqvi
Highlights the theoretical and empirical importance of bond indexes for the political economy of developing country sovereign debt.
Replication data here.
Partisan External Borrowing in Middle Income Countries
British Journal of Political Science 2023
Finds political partisanship informs annual external borrowing decisions by MIC governments.
Replication data here.
Democracy, Public Debt Transparency, and Sovereign Creditworthiness
Governance 2023
Shows transparent public debt management improves credit ratings and does not depend on democratic governance, with implications for the “Democratic Advantage” thesis.
Replication data here.
Governance 2021
Traces the sovereign borrowing process to identify major political constraints that developing country Debt Management Offices face in managing key areas of external public debt.
Development Finance & International Organizations
Informally Governing International Development: G7 Coordination and Orchestration in Aid
International Studies Quarterly 2024
with Mirko Heinzel and Bernhard Reinsberg
Argues the practice of earmarked funding negatively affects aid performance across a number of measures and IOs.
Replication data here.
Earmarked Funding and the Control-Performance Trade-Off in International Development Organizations
International Organization 2023
with Mirko Heinzel and Bernhard Reinsberg
Argues the practice of earmarked funding negatively affects aid performance across a number of measures and IOs.
Replication data here.
Review of International Organizations 2023
Identifies borrower transparency as a significant driver of official Chinese credit flows vis-a-vis official Western credit flows.
Replication data here.
Power, Ideas, and World Bank Conditionality
Review of International Organizations 2022
with Mark Manger
Quantitative text analysis of the policy topics covered in World Bank loans, linking shifts in conditionality to internal research priorities at the World Bank.
For the publicly available loan conditions used in this article, see here. Other replication materials here.