
Below are select article publications on different topics with replication data. Please see my CV for a complete list of publications.

Sovereign Debt & Financial Markets

Delegating Discipline: How Indexes Restructured the Political Economy of Sovereign Bond Markets 

Journal of Politics 2023

with Natalya Naqvi

Partisan External Borrowing in Middle Income Countries 

British Journal of Political Science 2023

Democracy, Public Debt Transparency, and Sovereign Creditworthiness 

Governance 2023

Interests over Institutions: Political-Economic Constraints on Public Debt Management in Developing Countries 

Governance 2021

Development Finance & International Organizations

Informally Governing International Development: G7 Coordination and Orchestration in Aid

 International Studies Quarterly 2024

with Mirko Heinzel and Bernhard Reinsberg

Earmarked Funding and the Control-Performance Trade-Off in International Development Organizations International Organization 2023

with Mirko Heinzel and Bernhard Reinsberg

Chinese or Western Finance? Transparency, Official Credit Flows, and the International Political Economy of Development 

Review of International Organizations 2023

Power, Ideas, and World Bank Conditionality 

Review of International Organizations 2022

with Mark Manger